Cases: our clients and their stories
Experience with DripRevolution
People who are using DripRevolution says that this service not only gets them traffic right away - but it also allows them to get a higher page ranking (generating more organic traffic). If you have been struggling getting the traffic and page ranking that you desire then you will want to check out DripRevolution. See below some of our clients experience with DripRevolution.

Jan Nemec
“...Great results. I honestly did not expect these things after 1 month subscription to this service...”
I am an Internet marketing professional in Prague. I do tons of SEO and always looking for a way to automate. I am a natural skeptic and personally think all marketers are liars, even myself
Moved largest category keyword ranking from page 4 to page 1 in search engines.
Have improved my PageRank from 3 to 4
Jan: SEO linkbuilding by itself, wont save a dead site and they are not enough by themselves. BUT...when used in tandem to Social signals....they are making a real difference.
I read about this service on BHW and figure I would give it a try. The system runs perfectly for me. Intuitive interface and clean design.
I tested this service on two sites. One site, the keyword pages were stuck on page 4 of google and had been for months. I threw 1000 social signals at them and at first, nothing happened. A few days went by, minor improvements. Then about a few weeks later I check and all pages are top 5 and holding. The second page was holding a rather impressive #6 and had been for awhile. Threw 300 signals at it and now its #2. It also went from a Pagerank 3 to a 4. Great results. I honestly did not expect these things after 1 month subscription to this service.
Huge upgrade in my opinion and with the additional social media channels that you plan on doing this will truly be the most complete social media SEO package available and truly affordable. Give them a try, you wont regret it!
Try DripRevolution services before you buy.

Shannon Adams
“...Drip had a lot more flexibility and lower price point for me. Plus with Drip I am able to promote anything with the best social media indicators available.”
Shannon: I have been in Online Marketing Since Jan 2011. I went full time with internet marketing in September 2011. Previously I was in advertising and worked for a Pay Per Click company 5 years prior to this.
Has improved website's rankings in Google.
Improved Brand image.
I was looking for a good social signals service to provide 2 things to my websites. Social engagement and additional links from the social networks. Social is now becoming a part of Google's Algorithm and I wanted to of course rank my websites.
I heard about Drip Revolution from the Warrior Forum.
I was playing around with Drip Revolution and Synnd. At the time Synnd did not provide all the same services and abilities that Drip Revolution provided. They both provided an automated approach, but Drip had a lot more flexibility and lower price point for me. Plus with Drip I am able to promote anything with the best social media indicators available.
I have been using Drip Revolution for about 4-5 months now.
I use Drip Revolution along with my other Link Building services on most sites I put out, it combines social bookmarking along with the power of social likes, shares, tweets etc. Drip Revolution has really provided a solution to get key social signals to your websites. Not only that, but you can also build these same indicators very easily to internal pages, YouTube videos, Web 2.0 and much more. This also helps create a link diversity into your link profile as well.
I am getting a steady drip of the main types of social sharing to my sites on a regular basis. I generally also add a second URL into the mix that is just for additional tweets and re-tweets to my money sites to promote them even further. I believe this has helped create an even further link diversity profile, provide Google some of what it is looking for in regards to social indicators and helped with my overall rankings...
One suggestion would be able to set a higher number over a longer period of time so like 60 days or 90 days so I don’t have to watch it as much. My company manages a lot of websites and it would be easier to say select 120 signals over 3 months.
Try DripRevolution services before you buy.

Amy Ng
“...I'm using their small plan about 5 months and i finally achieved my long-term goal! I get approximately 250 unique visitors per day.”
Amy: I started blogging back in 2009 with a simple girly website where we can share our thoughts on fashion with other fashion lovers. It was my hobby, some times ago i realized that i can make money from my own Blog.
Has increased monthly revenue 400%!
500% increase in web traffic!
When I launched my fashion blog, my Alexa ranking was probably around 13 million or something. I used some link building strategy on it and was able to bring it to a level that it used to get some visitors now and often with Alexa ranking of 600k million. About five months ago, I found DripRevolution through Google. Then my blog earned me $100 in a month.
Now comes the best part, I took the trial offer for the social signals and after it my Alexa ranking has moved to 400k. I know for some of you this may be a piece of cake, but this is an excellent jump with just trial offer so far. I'm using their small plan about 5 months and i finally achieved my long-term goal! I get approximately 250 unique visitors per day from different Social networks. Thanks to their social signals my blog now generates approximately $400/month.
Once you order your package you'll be given access to the dashboard which is very user friendly, well its easy just add your new project with url, keyword and select social signals. I like the way they dripped my signals with random number per day, so it will look natural in search engine.
In the new version of Driprevolution I’d like to see the opportunity to choose target location. It will be a big help to me to get target traffic. PS: Thank you very much for creating such an amazing service.
Try DripRevolution services before you buy.

Chris W.
“...Every client who has requested an SEO plan from me has their site on the first page of google for several of their terms.”
Chris: I'm an internet marketer whose primary source of income is a small, all-in-one internet solutions agency that provides entrepreneurs and small business owners with everything they need for their web presence including seo, email, hosting, design, and anything else they might need.
Every his client has their website on the first page of results on Google.
Has had a terrific experience with DripRevoultion for 6+ months.
Social signals are now a vital part of Google's algorithm to determine where to place sites in the SERPs. I use them to help add signals to every aspect of my clients sites, including posts, pages, fans, and just overall sharing.
Firstly, your service comes with a $1 7-day trial. I always like to try out trials because in this day and age, it's a good business practice to provide a trial if you know you have a quality product. It establishes trust. Secondly, the prices are very reasonable. Thirdly, because of ease of their dashboard and the ability to customize as many projects as you need is unparalleled from what else I've seen in the marketplace.
I've been using them for over 6 months so far and the experience has been terrific. I recommend them to anyone who's looking for social signals.
Total control over an unlimited amount of URLs, projects, messages, and signals. Most companies only offer you a few URLs to work with per each plan you have. That's ridiculous.
Every client who has requested an SEO plan from me has their site on the first page of google for several of their terms.
The ability to simply add fans and followers to pages for google +, twitter, and facebook fan pages, instead of treating them like social signals. Also, if we could have control to put activity and interaction on certain social media pages, this would save site owners more money because they wouldn't have to hire a third party to do it.
Try DripRevolution services before you buy.